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Melody Zentner graduated from Ithaca College School of Music, Ithaca NY, with a Bachelor of Music Degree and received her permanent certification in Music Education through Crane School of Music, Potsdam, N.Y. Prior to college she studied voice with Evelyn Hertzman-Klepinger and continued studying with her after graduating from Ithaca College. While at Ithaca, Mrs. Zentner studied with Dr. Leslie Bennett. She was Soprano soloist for the Saratoga-Potsdam Choral Institute, has sung leading roles and directed several musicals, performed in many recitals, and directed All-county Choirs in New York State.
She taught in the New York State Public School System for twenty years, regularly receiving the highest ratings in State Festivals and competitions with her choral groups and private students. In addition to teaching and performing, she was a NYSSMA All-State adjudicator, Director of the South Jefferson Community Choir, Church Choir Director, operated a private voice studio and raised two daughters.

In 1999, Mrs Zentner, her husband Jeff, and daughters Morgan and Jessica, moved to Durham where she teaches vocal music at Durham Academy Middle School and works with Senior voices through OLLI. Recently the OLLI New Horizon chorus combined with the Durham Academy 8th grade chorus to present a concert. She believes it is important to share your talent no matter what your age. She continues to strengthen her skills by studying voice therapy with the McClousky Institute of Voice, attend Kodaly, chorale and conducting workshops.


Ramon Brito


Ramon Brito was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela. He received his undergraduate degree in music performance from Elon University, and master’s degree in piano performance from the Belarusian State Academy of Music. He has been a part of the music faculty at Elon University since 2006. 

In addition to his work at Elon, Ramon runs a private piano studio from his home in south Durham. He is a highly versatile pianist, performing regularly with choral groups, small chamber ensembles, and local jazz musicians.



Board Members

Donna Crisp | President  
Karen Wells | Vice President
Gwen Yueh | Secretary
Bonny Moellenbrock | Treasurer
Joan Albright | Librarian
Glenn McFarland | Production
Melody Zentner | Artistic Director

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